Lightweight Fashion Shoes Womens Everest Wool Felt Boot - Orange

Size 36 37 38 39 40

Hand-woven wool boot in 100% pure natural wool, EnergySoles™ and suede outsole.

Handmade in Nepal, designed in Denmark.




Made from 100% pure Nepalese wool - wool is temperature regulating, self-purifying and odour-free. The wool is carefully felted in warm soapy water. This maintains the high contact of lanolin in the wool and ensures that the wool does not itch or scratch.

Made with Energysole technology - each item of footwear used materials that have the best shock absorption with a unique comfort. The material never loses it cushioning, and increases blood circulation in the feet and lower legs.

Forget about the socks - Use your WOOL by Green Comfort barefooted. This way you can really feel the comfort of the wool and at the same time the wool absorbs moisture and keeps your feet dry.

Self-purifying - The high natural content of lanolin in the wool ensures a perfect impregnation against dirt, rain, wind and sun

No Blisters and discomfort - these shoes are felted with one large piece of felt. There is only one stitching in the whole shoe, and this is used for mounting the outsole (which lies deep in the wool). This means that you will not get blisters or feel discomfort when using a pair of WOOL by Green Comfort.

Comfort - the suede outsoles provide a soft and flexible sole for indoor use  

Each pair is marked with an embroidery signature so you can see who has felt your new woolen shoes.

About Green Comfort


Green Comfort`s adventure began in 1994, when the two founders Hans Jørgen Millner and Jesper Stærmose got the material in hand which became the newly established company DNA. 

The latest "footprint" is Green Comfort's WOOL collection of individually handmade wool shoes manufactured at their factory in Nepal.

Their shoes are created in a sustainable environment with natural products and handcrafted to perfection. When you buy wool shoes from WOOL by Green Comfort you support a sustainable and ethical production that obeys the 11 fundamental principles of Fair Trade.